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LAST CHANCE for 2023

SOS – SO What To Do

When a business reaches a Cashflow crisis you need to invest money, if that resulted due to a lack of sales then you need more clients.

This is like going on a diet, eat less and exercise more and you become fit and lean !!!!!

In my experience we so often default to what everyone tells us is the answer. However it tends to leave us with the same outcomes as everyone else.

So SOS, is a program with the sole intention of creating a new way to work, and the outcomes can exceed all our expectations.

SMB is small to medium, with business activity between 400 thousand and 20 million. If you fall into this group with 3 or more employees then join us and get some free advice.

When and What Tax do I pay ?2021-10-20T11:10:20+13:00

This is a complex issue over time, from the very start you need a good Chart of Accounts, and a understanding of what Tax’s need to be paid to keep your business open. We have years of experience and talented people to assist, you can leave this to our team and relax.

What’s the right App2021-10-20T11:07:44+13:00

With over 16,000 available, it’s no surprise many owners go through several and usually never find a match. Our 40 years of experience can assist, and we always get you sorted with a 99% match.

Who do you ask2021-10-20T11:05:28+13:00

Getting the right Accountant is a 3 point process, you need a good bookkeeper, tax expert and business advisor. With some assistance we step you through a process to select the right people.


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